
“Alone,” a story about not blending in with family


I’m alone in my house with a family of six.

This opening line to the story came to me and I immediately captured it with Evernote. I like the idea of the main character feeling like an outsider, even within her family – their different careers and interests serve as different languages and neither group is bilingual. 

As a creator, I sometimes feel it’s difficult to share with people “the creative itch” that I often feel. When I get to scratch it and share work with the outside world, I feel satisfied and empowered to create more. 

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“Houseboat,” a story about living at sea

The sun shone bright across the community, a collection of homes traveling together across the ocean.


What happens when our planet is covered by water? This story examines a world where houses still exist, but they do so on the sea rather than on land. I was interested to explore how a community of homes survives amongst seemingly impossible conditions… and if could life ever feel normal.

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“Old Glory,” a story about war and the flag

Not even the Army’s Regeneration Program could stop Father Time.


The American flag has withstood the test of time for nearly 250 years. This story jumps us forward in time towards the quadricentennial of America’s birth. There, I explore what it means to be an American soldier – how the flag still carries weight, especially when folks in the armed services constantly regenerate and return to battle. I was intrigued by an amazing technology that saves lives but that comes with plenty of side effects.

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“Natural Woman,” a story about extreme nutrition

“We have to eat — exclusively eat — the most natural of elements.”


In my short time on this earth, I’ve watched the collective intelligence around nutrition change rapidly. Vegetarians always seemed strange to me as a kid as I was unfamiliar with their nutritional behaviors. Fast forward to today and I don’t find vegans any different than omnivores – it’s simply a choice folks make about what to consume.

In this story, I looked at a possible future for nutrition where the amount of varying foods we eat rapidly decreases. What would our world look like if we were guided to eat only a handful of items?

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“Put the dead to sleep,” a story about temporary death

“15 years?!? But I’ve already been under for forty!”


In a world where death is temporary, how does a cemetery operate? With this premise, we explore how an employee at a graveyard interacts with the buried. I was intrigued by the idea of death as a temporary state, where folks still expire but only for a short amount of time. Perhaps there is more to explore here around awakening the dead for specific reasons like population control or adding to the workforce. I may come back to this idea in a future, long-form story.

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